Happy National Hug Day!

“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.”  – Ann Hood

Created on January 21, 1986 in Clio, Michigan, National Hug Day is all about encouraging that warm embrace. Whether you hug your parents, your friends, or a complete stranger, a quick body squeeze has the power to make everything better.

And we definitely don’t want to leave out our pets on National Hug Day! Because there really is nothing better than a mouthful of fur, and being wrapped up in four dirty paws.

Photo Via: Google Images

However, make your hugs quick, because a hug may mean something completely different for our furry friends. Pets, especially dogs, don’t necessarily like hugs. Biologically, a hug among dogs would be the equivalent of mounting or “standing over” – putting a leg over another dog’s shoulder. This behavior is seen as dominance and trying to gain control.

This may seem cute, but this is a common sign of dominance among dogs.

So, watch your dog’s body language if you embrace them today. If they pull or try to squirm away, let go. Instead, a pat under the chin will do just fine. And don’t feel bad. Your dog still loves you! They just wish to “hug” on their own terms in the form of wet kisses and warm cuddles.

So, enjoy National Hug Day and spread the love! And in the meantime, enjoy this video of animals who do want to be hugged!

*Sources: Mnn.com*
*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2016*

List-It: The Achievements of Naturalist Joy Adamson

“Since we humans have the better brain, isn’t it our responsibility to protect our fellow creatures from, oddly enough, ourselves?” – Joy Adamson

106 years ago to this day, Friederike Victoria Gessner, more famously known as Joy Adamson, was born. An author, painter, and animal activist, Joy Adamson spent the majority of her life educating the world about the importance of preserving wildlife, specifically that in Africa.

Photo Via: Wikipedia.com

A strong-willed woman with a passion for animals, she lived in Kenya for nearly 4 decades with her equally famous wildlife conservationist husband, George Adamson. Together, the two fought for wildlife preservation and inspired the world with their work with big game in Africa.

As we celebrate what would’ve been Joy Adamson’s 106th birthday, we look back on her greatest achievements in the natural world.

 Her Rehabilitating of Animals – What is probably the Adamson’s most notorious accomplishment, and one that would gain them world-wide recognition, was their work with rehabilitating animals back into the wild, specifically the lioness Elsa. In 1956, after her mother was shot by George Adamson in self-defense, the Adamsons took in little cub Elsa.

Joy and George then spent the next years raising Elsa, training her to become a self-relying lioness, and eventually releasing her back into the wild where she went on to have 3 cubs of her own. Through her experiences Joy stated that Elsa “became almost like my child. Because I had no children, I have spent all my emotion on her and my other animals. But I cannot make them my own.”

Photo Via: fatheroflions.org

Elsa and Joy – Photo Via: fatheroflions.org

Chronicling their work with Elsa and her cubs in three books (which all eventually had movies made about them), Joy Adamson inspired millions around the world and taught the importance of preserving wildlife, and keeping the animals in their natural environments.

After Elsa and her cubs, Joy Adamson went on to adopt a young cheetah named Pippa, who was previously being used as a house pet. Adamson did the same with Pippa as she had done with Elsa and trained her to survive on her own in the wild, eventually releasing Pippa as well. Joy continued studying and working with all sorts of African animals including elephants, buffaloes, colobus monkeys, and leopards.

Her Writings – What helped Joy Adamson to inspire the world about Africa and its animals was undoubtedly her writings. Throughout the years she published many books about the different animals she rehabilitated, along with books of her drawings and sketches of African wildlife and plants.

Joy Adamson’s most popular book, Born Free (which she writes about her experience with Elsa), earned her a great amount of recognition and success that because of it, she was able to focus on raising money for wildlife conservation.

Born Free, along with the two sequels Living Free and Forever Free (both which Joy continues the story of Elsa and her cubs), were all made into movies. The actors of the films, Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers, were so inspired by the roles they played and the real life work Joy and George Adamson did, that they eventually founded the Born Free Foundation in the United Kingdom which helps support wildlife conservation.

Her Wildlife Preservation – Joy Adamson’s passion and love for animals was obvious with her activism. Setting off on an international tour in 1962, Joy preached the importance of wildlife conservation, and the damage that illegal poaching was doing to Africa and its animal inhabitants, especially in her adopted home of Kenya.

Joy also went on to create the Elsa Wild Animal Appeal, and her work with animals, especially Elsa, helped inspire many more conservation organizations. She spent her remaining years giving the proceeds she earned from her books to many preservation organizations and using it to secure the conservation of animals and wildlife.

Photo Via: pbs.org

It’s no doubt the lengths and efforts Joy Adamson went to protect and preserve animals and their environment. Tragically, both Joy and George were murdered (separate incidents and years – Joy in 1980 by an employee, and George in 1989 by poachers), so both of their work was cut short.

However, the impact they had on animal activism still lives on today. Because of Joy Adamson and her work, writings, and contributions, the world is just a little bit more understanding of the plight wildlife must face at the hands of humans. We must continue her work, and remember her words: “Wildlife is something which man cannot construct. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. Man can rebuild a pyramid, but he can’t rebuild ecology, or a giraffe.”

So, Happy Birthday, Joy. And thank you for the impact you made on the animal kingdom.

*Sources: Notablebiographies.com, Biography.com, Encyclopedia.com, Wikipedia.org*
*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2016*

We Have a Dream [Celebrating MLK the Animal Culture Way]

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today we celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr., who, because of his non-violent activism, played a crucial role in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. His peaceful stances and engaging speeches left a mark on this world forever, and by breaking the silence he was able to have a dream and help make it come true.

Here at Animal Culture we have a dream of our own.

We dream that animals and humans will be able to live in peace with one another, and that humans will start treating nature and its inhabitants as equals.

Photo Via: Pinterest.com

Photo Via: Pinterest.com

We dream that we see no more news articles of animals being beaten, tortured, and abused. Instead, we dream of seeing more of this:

We dream that one day the rights and welfare of animals will be a priority on everyone’s agenda.

Photo Via: animal-rights-action.com

Photo Via: animal-rights-action.com

We strive to speak up about animal abuse and educate the public about animal rights, and we try to live by the words of MLK, Jr: “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

We will not be silent, and we hope you will speak up as well.

*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2016*

Born Free [Book Review]

Relationships cross many different species, and animal-human relationships may be the most special. For today’s “Book Review Thursday”, Animal Culture would like to share a very special book about a human-lion relationship.

First, however, we would like to share one of our favorite videos, just to get the heart pumping and the tears flowing. *Note: The shirtless guy in the end of the video is George Adamson, the husband of the below book’s author, Joy Adamson.*

Happy Reading, All!

Title: Born Free: A Lioness of Two Worlds

Author: Joy Adamson

Synopsis: “Joy Adamson’s story of a lion cub in transition between the captivity in which she is raised and the fearsome wild to which she is returned captures the abilities of both humans and animals to cross the seemingly unbridgeable gap between their radically different worlds. Especially now, at a time when the sanctity of the wild and its inhabitants is increasingly threatened by human development and natural disaster, Adamson’s remarkable tale is an idyll, and a model, to return to again and again.” 

ISBN: 0375714383

Born Free: A Lioness of Two Worlds (Story of Elsa, #1)


The Adamsons – Joy and George – became recognized from the hit book, A Lion Called Christian, in which they had helped rehabilitate Christian, a pet lion, back into the wild (see video above).  However, their work with lions did not start with Christian, and Born Free takes you back to the beginning.

And it all began with Elsa.  Born Free is the account and adventure of lioness Elsa’s life, and the difficult task Elsa provided for her human parents, Joy (the author) and George (her husband) Adamson.  Raised by the Adamsons since she was a baby, Elsa treated them as her lion pride, and they treated her as their child, however never forgetting the fact that she was a wild lion.  Her life with them flew by as she grew from a cub into a full-size, and eventually a wild, lioness.

The story itself is touching, and it transports you through its writing.  Joy Adamson has written quite a few books, and her written language reads like she is having a face-to-face conversation with the reader.  Her writing flows, and it feels as if you are experiencing Elsa’s life with the Adamsons.  Joy is a professional painter and photographer as well, and her beautiful pictures of Elsa, Africa, and the unlikely family’s adventures are scattered throughout the pages, which makes it an even more intriguing read.  The ending of the book, which is comprised of letters from George to Joy, adds an even more personal touch to the readers.  

Animal stories have a way of providing a different perspective to the world – especially if they are true – and Born Free is one of those books that will touch your heart and stay in your mind for a while after it is read. The ending of the book, and ultimately the Adamson’s time with Elsa, made the entire book worth it, and you will walk away with tears in your eyes and a happy heart.

Purchase it at Amazon.com here: Born Free

Have you read this book? What was your take on it? Join the discussion below!

*Note: The synopsis was taken from Goodreads.com. The review was written by © Kalie Lyn 2011, originally published on her personal blog, Palm Trees & Bare Feet.*

Doggone Beautiful!

Being beautiful is a vain trait of humans alone, especially since animals don’t worry about such trivial matters. However, being and feeling clean is something that is shared by both people and animals.

For today’s “Random Musing”, Animal Culture‘s author, Kalie Lyn, shares with us the world of pet grooming, and how it truly benefits our pets.

Working in the pet grooming industry as a bather and groomer for the past year, I have seen my fair share of bad hair days (and I’m not talking about my own, which is usually an everyday occurrence). I have worked with breeds from tiny little Yorkshire Terriers to gigantic Newfoundlands, all with different attitudes, hair types, and problems. Needless to say, I have seen it all, and it usually goes something like this.

The Heaven Sent:

This is the dog who feels like it was literally sent from heaven to give you some much-needed relief in an otherwise hectic job. Aside from short-haired dogs – such as Labs, Boxers, Beagles, etc., which are automatically heaven sent since they require little work – these are the long-haired dogs that have been well brushed at home, so much so that the comb slides right through their coat like butter. Of course, however, these lovelies come through as often as Hailey’s Comet. But you better believe that when they do, they and their parents get a huge round of applause from us groomers.

(Photo Via: Everything-shih-tzu.com)

(Photo Via: Everything-shih-tzu.com)

The Regular:

These are the dogs that have the groomer on their monthly calendar. They enter in good shape, with maybe a few knots here and there, but nothing that can’t be easily brushed out without yanking on their skin. Their pet parents usually bring them in every few weeks, and brush them at least once a week at home between grooming visits. Just like a bartender, groomers know the names and personalities of all their regulars.

(Photo Via: Doggroomingaldershot.co.uk)

(Photo Via: Doggroomingaldershot.co.uk)

The Liar:

The liar isn’t the dog, it’s the parent. “I brush Tootsie every day at home,” they’ll say. LIAR! You can spot a “Heaven Sent” the second that dog walks into the salon, but the “Liar” takes some feeling. The liar’s dog will look brushed at first glance, but once the groomer starts to feel the dog the lies start to unravel. There are no knots or tangles because they have evolved into full-blown mats. This type of matting is usually tight, thick, and to the skin, and occurs in places that the pet parent doesn’t think to brush – the legs, stomach, chest, and behind the ears, all places that are prone to matting. Usually, in cases like this, the matting is too bad to get out without hurting the dog, especially in the sensitive areas listed above. A call to the pet parent must be made letting them know that their dog will probably have to be shaved. And most likely, that pet parent will stick to their lie, stating again they brush their dog on a daily basis. The pet parents are important to groomers, as they are the ones who pay the bills, but the dog is the number one priority. When a dog is badly matted, a groomer will insist on shaving until the pet parent finally lets up and agrees. However, in some cases, a dog must go home as it came in because putting the dog through hours of intense de-matting, in sensitive areas, is painful and stressful. Eventually though, the liar usually confesses, and the clippers come out.

(Photo Via: Skywriting.net)

(Photo Via: Skywriting.net)


It’s no joke when I say this is the dog who looks like it literally survived the apocalypse. I have seen this only a couple of times in my career, and thank god. There is no questioning the pet parent – trust me, they know – and there is no calling them. The clippers come out immediately and start shaving. In cases like this, the hair doesn’t fall off in pieces. It falls off in one giant matted clump, looking like an already knitted scarf or sweater. And, it’s no laughing matter for either the dog or the groomer. Shaving out mats that are that deep, mats that are pressed on the skin, can become very dangerous. Besides paying close attention as to not cut the skin, nicking sores that have formed from the moisture trapped in the matted fur is also something to watch out for. When seeing a dog like this, many thoughts go through your mind: Were they homeless? Are they abused? What is wrong with the people? There will never be a good explanation for a dog that has to suffer like that, with fur that is so matted they can’t walk, see out of their eyes, or use the bathroom properly. And though the dog may not be being hit or kicked, neglecting a dog to that level is still abuse.

(Photo Via: Gracielushihtzu.com)

(Photo Via: Gracielushihtzu.com)

So, how important is grooming for your dog? Very important!

Grooming isn’t just brushing or giving a dog a hair cut, grooming also consists of flea and tick checks during the bath, cutting the nails so they aren’t overgrown, and plucking ear hair that can cause ear infections.

It also helps socialize your dog with other people and pets, and the more your dog goes the groomer, the less they will hate it. Never give the excuse, “Oh, but my dog is scared of the groomers.” No, he’s scared because you’re scared. Once a dog leaves the arms of their pet parents, they enter an environment where dogs come first. Groomers are there to love, care for, and create a relaxed experience for your beloved pooch. We are trained to work with different breeds and personalities, and know what to do to keep pets calm and happy.

Another thing to keep in mind is, just like ours, hair grows back! If your groomer tells you your dog needs to be shaved, let them. Trust me, we’re not all shave-happy. Shaving takes time, patience, and focus, but the reason we suggest it is usually because of severe matting. It benefits your dog and you.

So, take a trip to your local groomer and treat your beloved family pet to some beautifying TLC. And remember, just like you tip your own hairdresser, tip your dog’s hairdresser too!

(Photo Via: Dogtemperament.com)

(Photo Via: Dogtemperament.com)

*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2014*

Personality, Intelligence, and Cats vs. Dogs

Dogs and cats each have their own attributes and personalities, but does choosing to be a “dog person” or a “cat person” help determine our own traits?

It’s often creepy when we spot a pet and their pet parent who have an eerily physical resemblance to one another, however we don’t take much thought in similar personality traits between pets and their pet parents. It’s common knowledge that dogs are known as outgoing, active, and attention-loving animals, while cats are recognized as mellow, curious, solitude creatures. But does the type of pet a person brings into their home predict that person’s personality? According to a web-based study done in 2010 at the University of Texas, yes, yes it does.

Photo Via: Medicsindex.ning.com

Photo Via: Medicsindex.ning.com

The online study asked 4,565 different people if they identified themselves as “dog people”, “cat people”, both, or neither. They were then given a 44-question survey that measured their answers on the “Big Five” personality dimension spectrum which psychologists use to study personality – Conscientiousness (self-discipline), Extraversion (enthusiasm), Agreeableness (trusting), Openness (nontraditional thinking), and Neuroticism (stress).

46% of those surveyed self-identified as “dog people”,12% said they were “cat people”, and 28% were both while 15% were neither.

Dog People: The dog people were 15% more extroverted (outgoing and social), 13% more agreeable (trusting and kind), and 11% more conscientious (organized and self-disciplined ) than cat people.

Cat People: The cat people on the other hand were 12% more neurotic (anxious, easily stressed) and 11% more open (appreciative of art and culture) than dog people.

While this study is limited to only 4,565 people, and many are both or neither cat and dog people, this research has revealed that people may gravitate toward pets with similar personality traits as their own. An outgoing, dutiful, social person may prefer an equally outgoing, dutiful, and social dog. A reserved, introverted, more creative person may prefer a cat as their housemate. However, the lines do cross, and pets often balance out our different personalities.

Photo Via: Psychologytoday.com

Photo Via: Psychologytoday.com

Since being a pet parent to the animal of our choice can reveal more about a person’s personality, what can that choice tell us about a person’s intelligence? According to a more recent study, choosing “dog or cat” can reveal how smart we are.

According to the newer study done at Carroll University in Wisconsin, 600 college students were asked whether they were “dog people” or “cat people”, what qualities they liked best about their pets, and more questions that assessed their personalities.

Out of those 600 students, 60% said they identified more with dogs and enjoyed the “companionship” of their dog the best, while only 11% said they identified more with cats and enjoyed the “affection” from their cats the best – the remaining said they either liked both cats and dogs, or liked neither.

However, while the “dog people” reign once again in this study at 60%, it were the “cat people” who scored higher in intelligence. While dogs may be smarter than cats according to yet another study from 2010 (tired of the studies, already?) that found dogs have experienced greater brain growths in the past 60 million years compared to cats, it is the personalities of the cat people that make them smarter than the dog people.

Because dogs need ample exercise and walks outside, dog people spend more time outdoors and socializing. Cats however, are more comfortable indoors lounging on the couch, and usually their pet parents are the same. Cat people, who are usually introverted, are more likely to read a book and study their interests than dog people, who are usually more extroverted and social.

(Photo Via: Librarything.com)

(Photo Via: Librarything.com)

Of course though, just like with personality, the kind of pet a person chooses doesn’t necessarily determine their intelligence. Pets are here to bring us companionship and affection, to make us smile and lick our tears away, and to ultimately teach us to be better human beings. Whether we are extroverts or introverts, organized or creative, or relaxed or anxious, we all chose our pets for one reason: because we love them.

Are you a self-described “dog person” or “cat person”? Do you think the pet we choose describes our personality and intelligence? Let Animal Culture know in the comment section below!

*Sources: Psychologytoday.com, Pets.webmd.com, Time.com, Huffingtonpost.com, Livescience.com*
*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2014*

Reuse, Recycle, Reduce

Earth is not only home to humans, and often times we forget that. We share this planet with a slew of other creatures, including winged, four-legged, finned, and some even unknown to mankind. In order to preserve these creatures and ourselves, it’s important to protect our environment.

With the smoke that billows from our factories, our skyscrapers that replace the nature, and the fumes that escape our cars, the majority of the world’s pollution comes from us humans. With improved technology and new products being able to be created, the negative impact we are making on the environment seems to be in the back of our minds.

However, going “green” has been the new trend for a while now, and with more and more people joining in, there are ways to help reverse our negative effects.


Many of the products we buy are unable to be recycled, and if they can be they take a while to decompose. Reusing products once we are done with them, instead of just throwing them in the trash, is one way to help the environment we share with animals.

Almost everything is made out of plastic, and plastic is very hard to recycle because it takes a long time to degrade completely. On average, a regular-sized plastic bottle, for example a water bottle, takes at least 450 years to fully decompose. That one bottle will still be here when our great-great-great-great-many greats-grand kids are around!

One of the most simple ways to reuse a plastic bottle is creating a vase out of it.

Animal Culture's author, Kalie Lyn, just finished this green tea. After, she used it to showcase the daffodils from her garden!

Animal Culture’s author, Kalie Lyn, just finished this green tea. After, she used it to showcase the daffodils from her garden!

And if a plain, clear bottle isn’t working with the decor of your home, add your own touch to it with a little decoupage.

Kalie Lyn also made-over this old glass bottle with some creativity and modge podge.

Kalie Lyn also made-over this old glass bottle with some creativity and modge podge.

Paper is another material that is used quite often, and while it has a less decomposing time (anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months), products made of paper are filling our landfills. As sad as it is to say, actual books may soon become obsolete. With eReaders, the internet, and our phones, more and more people are reading screens versus the printed word.

With less people buying and reading books, books end up in the trash. However, these once-loved items could be reused and made into something else, such as a clock.

Kalie Lyn created this clock from an old Hardy Boys book she found at a garage sale.

Kalie Lyn created this clock from an old Hardy Boys book she found at a garage sale.

Or maybe use the pages of a book, or even regular old newspaper, as wrapping paper. You could also use it to decoupage that plastic bottle vase!

(Photo Via: 2vintagesisters.blogspot.com)

(Photo Via: 2vintagesisters.blogspot.com)

There are many ways to reuse things we no longer need or want. The creative users of the internet are full of ideas, and a simple Google search such as: “Ways to reuse (plastic, paper, glass, etc.), is a great way to find inspiration. Oh, and of course there’s Pinterest!


When you can’t reuse things, recycling them is always the best bet. Recycling allows an old product to become a new one, and separates materials that can take too long to decompose and ultimately harm the environment. However, recycling just doesn’t have to mean throwing an old cereal box into a bin for the garbage men to pick up. You can do your own recycling right at home.

Most of the left-over foods and drinks we consume go directly into the garbage. However, some of those left-overs can go back into the land and fertilize Mother Nature.

Eggshells, banana peels, and used coffee grounds and tea leaves are all nutritious for the environment. They help fertilize gardens, and the acid in coffee grounds and tea leaves are perfect for plants such as tomatoes, roses, and azaleas. Using these types of unused foods as compost is a perfect way recycle them, instead of just throwing them in the trash.

(Photo Via: HuffingtonPost.com)

(Photo Via: HuffingtonPost.com)

While some foods are good to use as compost, others are not. Never use meat, breads, or dairy products while these can lead to bacteria and pests. If you are unsure what to use as natural fertilizers for your garden, make sure to look it up.

Another important item to recycle is unwanted or outgrown clothing, towels, and bedding. Linens made from synthetic materials, such as polyester and vinyl, do not decompose, and simply sit in landfills forever. So, don’t throw these out!

While it is now becoming more known to buy clothing and cloth products with biodegradable material, such as ones made from organic cotton or hemp, the jean pants we wore in high school, or that itchy wool blanket, doesn’t need to be discarded of. They can be recycled.

Donating your old clothes, towels, and bedding to a thrift shop is an excellent way to recycle and pass on fashion trends. And if you want to help animals in the process, animal shelters and rescues would be more than happy to use your old shirts and sheets as rags and beds for the animals awaiting homes.

(Photo Via: Michiganhumane.org)

(Photo Via: Michiganhumane.org)

No matter how you choose to recycle, whether it’s sorting by bins, using old food as compost, or donating linens that never decompose, just remember to do it!


Trash is everywhere. It’s in our homes, on the side of the road, and even in our backyards. Us humans create this trash not just by littering, but also by buying products that are bad for the environment.

One way to reduce the trash we create on this planet is by reducing the amount of non eco-friendly products we purchase. Take something we use on almost a daily basis: dish sponges. Not only are they dirty, but also terrible for the environment. 52,000 years – that’s how much it would take to decompose a year’s worth of dish sponges if you threw one out every week!

One way to end this insanely high degrading process is by creating your own dish “sponge”, instead of buying one. If you are crafty and know how to knit, you can make your own dish scrubbie within a day. By using biodegradable materials, such as hemp or organic cotton (as we talked about above), knitting yourself a dish scrubbie is not only better for the environment, but it also lasts longer and is more hygienic as you can put it in the washing machine to clean it.

Kalie Lyn knitted her own dish scrubbie, and it works great!

Kalie Lyn knitted her own dish scrubbie, and it works great!

If you are interested in creating your own dish scrubby, a little tip is to make every other stitch a knit and then a purl. This helps to create that ribbed effect, which will work better to get crusty food off. Cutting out a product such as a dish sponge from our grocery list, and instead creating our own, is one way we can reduce the trash on our Earth.

Another way to reduce trash is to literally pick up poop – dog poop that is. Because of the grain and meat in dog food, and the table scraps our pets sneak, their waste is not good compost.

Yes, nobody’s favorite thing involves picking up dog feces, but it is something that needs be done. Simple as that. Besides, it’s not fun stepping in dog crap, even if in some cultures they consider it good luck.

(Photo Via: Animalradio.com)

And remember how long it takes for plastic bags to decompose? Buying biodegradable doggy poop bags double helps the environment!

Besides the ones we provided above, there are many other ways to help combat the negative impact we make on our world. We share this planet, and for the sake of us, our children, and animals, it’s important to know and practice ways to keep our planet clean and around for a long time.

And because we are all in this together, Animal Culture would love to hear from our readers about the ways YOU Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce!

Sources: Home.howstuffworks.com, Mnn.com, Hoaxorfact.com, Postconsumers.com, Huffingtonpost.com, Womansday.com*
*Note: The article above was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2014*

Aiding the Voiceless Victims of Natural Disasters

It’s tornado season, and with the destruction comes unintentional abandonment for many pets.

Many of us have seen photos of what storms can do to lives, and some of us have even witnessed it first-hand. Houses that were once called homes are collapsed into rubble, memorabilia that meant something personal is destroyed in an instant, and emotions beyond any other flood the body and brain after such devastation. However, beings, not belongings, are the priority when it comes to such devastation.

The 79 (or more) tornadoes that hit Mississippi and surrounding areas of southern United States in April, 2014 claimed at least 34 human lives, and left hundreds more injured. Throughout the initial shock and ultimate tragedy of any natural disaster, animals are usually the last to be noticed, causing them to be abandoned and forgotten about at the moment.

(Photo Via: IFAW.org)

(Photo Via: IFAW.org)

Thousands of pets were left homeless after the April, 2014 tornadoes. Many were separated from their pet parents during the turmoil of the storms, and some were left at shelters as their pet parents were unable to care for them after being left homeless themselves. With the number of animals taking up capacity in the shelters across the storm-affected areas, The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is teaming up with The Animal Rescue Site and GreaterGood.org to aid in the transportation of abandoned pets that are filling up the shelters.

The Tupelo-Lee Humane Society of Tupelo, Mississippi, one of the hardest hit areas of the April tornadoes, is one shelter that has exceeded its capacity limit. Unable to allow more animals that are still being rescued from the storms, this specific shelter – along with many others – is in dire need of assistance. The IFAW is assisting in the transportation of these pets to other shelters who are able to take them in, and ultimately find them homes or even reunite them with their former pet parents.

(Photo Via: Theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com)

(Photo Via: Theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com)

Animals are voiceless victims when it comes to disasters – natural or human-made – and it is up to us to help them. It is expensive for shelters and rescue groups to take in the abandoned pets, and they need our help to continue their rescue work. You can help “Reunite Pets with Families After Devastating Tornadoes“. Another way to assist is by volunteering at your local animal shelter or rescue group, since most of these places are volunteer based.

Not only do the animals need our help, but also the people aiding these animals. They are the humans who give their time and hard work to creatures who can not say what hurts, or where the last place they saw their pet parent was. They need our support more than ever, and Animal Culture urges all you animal-lovers out there to give some of your money and time to help the animals affected by the April storms.

*Sources: Blog.theanimalrescuesite.com, Ifaw.org*
*Note: The above article was written by © Kalie Lyn, 2014*


A Primate’s Memoir [Book Review]

There is honestly nothing better than a funny book, except maybe a funny book about animals. For today’s “Book Review Thursday”, we at Animal Culture have brought you a gut-wrenching (the good kind), hilarious memoir.

This one needs little introduction, so Happy Reading, All!

Title: A Primate’s Memoir: A Neuroscientist’s Unconventional Life Among the Baboons

Author: Robert Sapolsky

Robert M. Sapolsky

We couldn’t resist posting this little gem of the author himself! (Photo Via: Goodreads.com)

Synopsis: “Over two decades, Sapolsky survives culinary atrocities, gunpoint encounters, and a surreal kidnapping, while witnessing the encroachment of the tourist mentality on the farthest vestiges of unspoiled Africa. As he conducts unprecedented physiological research on wild primates, he becomes evermore enamored of his subjects — unique and compelling characters in their own right — and he returns to them summer after summer, until tragedy finally prevents him. By turns hilarious and poignant, A Primate’s Memoir is a magnum opus from one of our foremost science writers.”

ISBN: 0743202414

A Primate's Memoir: A Neuroscientist's Unconventional Life Among the Baboons


This is the true story of one man’s life among the baboons of Kenya. Scientist Robert Sapolsky had only prepared to study the mental and physical behaviors of the baboons, but instead he found a life of adventure and formed his own primate family. From developing close bonds with the baboons, to learning the way of the Masai people (and often messing with them), Sapolsky takes readers on his more than twenty year journey through Africa.

Naturally hilarious and honest, A Primate’s Memoir is an exciting and entertaining read. His writing is quick and to the point, and his witty, often sarcastic humor makes this book that much more enjoyable. Each chapter contains a unique story, and whether he is being kidnapped and shot at, or playing a “wizard” in the Masai village, Sapolsky’s true-life tales never disappoint.

The chapters highlighting his time with the baboons are entertaining and raw. Sapolsky describes each member of his primate troop as if he were describing close human friends, and even admits to developing a baboon crush, along with a special human-baboon friendship. However, it is not all fun and games, and his research of the baboons is detailed throughout, allowing the reader an in-depth look into the exhilarating, yet tiresome days of a scientist.

A Primate’s Memoir is a funny, clever, and ultimately heartbreaking account of Robert Sapolsky’s experience in wild Africa. Highly recommended, this is definitely a book for animal lovers and science enthusiasts alike.

Purchase it at Amazon.com here: A Primate’s Memoir

Have you read this book? What was your take on it? Join the discussion below!

*Note: The synopsis was taken from Goodreads.com. The review was written by © Kalie Lyn 2011, originally published on her personal blog, Palm Trees & Bare Feet.*


A Chat with Jennifer S. Holland

Animal Culture is a place for animals, and the people who dedicate their time to these creatures’ welfare. These animal-loving humans are the ones who make a difference, and the ones who need to be recognized.

Today marks the first installment of “Animal Talks”, a monthly series (occurring the first Tuesday of every month) of interviews with people in the animal community. These are the people who fight for the rights and education of animals, and “Animal Talks” documents their personal work, beliefs, and thoughts.

So, without further ado, Animal Culture is greatly honored to introduce author Jennifer S. Holland as our first “Animal Talks” guest!

Jennifer’s passion for writing, animals, and the natural world is evident at the first glance of her highly successful resume. With a Master’s in Conservation Biology, and a Bachelor’s in English, Jennifer has worked with a vast number of affluent organizations, including the Journal of NIH Research, NPR, and National Geographic – where she was a senior writer for 11 years and currently is a contributing writer – just to name a few.

Recently however, she decided to take an adventure of her own, and investigate the world of animal bonds. Publishing two books, Unlikely Friendships and Unlikely LovesJennifer explored and revealed the unique, and often unexplained, affection between animals of different species. Imagine a friendship between an elephant and a sheep, or the love of a leopard for a dog. These inter-species relationships are often looked at as phenomenons, but Jennifer dove head (and heart!) first into the emotional lives of animals, and shared her experiences and revelations with the world.

Today we talk with Jennifer S. Holland about her research, life, and love for animals and writing.

Animal Culture: What was one moment in your life that inspired you to be a writer?

Jennifer Holland: I can’t really think of singular moments or events that pushed me in this direction. I was really a writer from the start. It was something I loved doing as a kid—I wrote a lot of short stories and (really bad) poetry and my family was very encouraging. I found early on that I was good at writing, while I struggled with subjects like math and history. I was also a big reader, so I suspect whatever I read as a young person was subtly helping me find my career path. In fact, I think I really wanted to write fiction. It wasn’t until later that I realized I could bring my passion for animals (also from way back) together with writing and actually make a living. Nonfiction then made sense based on my talents and interests.

AC: How did you come up with the concept of your books to write about animal friendships and loves?

JH: I was extremely lucky because while I was on staff at National Geographic, an editor from Workman Publishing in New York contacted me wanting to know if I’d be interested in writing a book. She had been reading my work in the magazine and thought I’d be the right voice for a fun animal book. The concept was something that we agreed on quickly—it was the perfect time to write a book on animal relationships because it was something people had gotten very excited about. The Web was flush with cute animals…it just made sense to do a real reporting job and find out the truth behind the stories. That’s how I got started on Unlikely Friendships—looking into some of the adorable photos I’d seen online and digging deeper to see if there was anything to this phenomenon of cross-species pals. The second book was really a continuation of the first…there were lots more stories to tell!

AC: You write about animal friendships and love in your books, attributing human emotions to them (committing anthropomorphism), something scientists both in the past and now frown upon. However, any pet parent can see that their furry friend exhibits joy, boredom, sadness, etc. Do you personally believe that animals have inner emotions similar to humans, or do you think we humans want them to, hence assigning these emotions to animals?

JH: Happily, it is becoming less and less taboo to talk about animals using “human” terms because we are learning more and more about how much overlap exists between us. The more scientists look at animal brains and behavior, the more they see evidence of empathy and joy and kindness and mourning—once thought to be ours alone. Other mammals share the brain structures of emotion that we have, and there are a lot of good studies nowadays that give us a window onto animal thinking. Other animals may not have the exact same emotional experiences as we do, but many are capable of feeling the same kinds of things we feel. Plus, many animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for! (I recommend the book Animal Wise by Virginia Morell to anyone interested in animal intelligence.)

I think for researchers doing animal behavior studies, however, it is still wise to keep the terminology more scientific. It’s hard not to “see” human emotion in animals but we do have to be careful not to make assumptions based on our own experiences and feelings. Words like “friendship” and “love” make some scientists uncomfortable, and I understand why. Research needs to be as unbiased as possible. Consider that in chimpanzees, a “smile” is really an aggressive expression. Dolphin “smiles” have nothing to do with how they feel, and in fact dolphins can be very nasty toward one another. What looks like kind sharing in some animals often has a less-than-altruistic reason behind it. So applying too much of our own human bias makes it hard to step back and see what’s really going on.

AC: Which animal pairing/trio were your favorites in both Unlikely Friendships and Unlikely Loves?

JH: It’s hard to pick favorites, but I was definitely delighted by the stories of dogs that befriended owls (mostly because the photos were so funny) and I loved hearing about cases in which a reptile was friendly with a mammal. The iguana and the cat in Friendships is a great example of that. You just don’t think of iguanas as being cuddly and sweet, and yet this one seemed perfectly content in a cat’s embrace.

I also loved the story of the dolphin and the sperm whales in Loves, because it happened in the wild (we don’t see that very often) and because it has such a great message. Here was a dolphin with a birth defect—a curved spine—that for some reason had shut it out of the dolphin pod. The whales took the animal in as one of their own. There was something special about that one—not only was it a cross-species friendship but one in which a “disability” was not an issue. Great message for kids (and the rest of us, too)!

AC: You were a senior writer, now a contributing writer, at National Geographic. What was one of your favorite assignments?

JH: I’ve had great opportunities to travel for Nat Geo—I feel very lucky about that. One of the best trips was to Papua New Guinea for a story on birds of paradise. It was a long trip—about 5 weeks—and a hard one. We did a lot of difficult hiking and camping in wet conditions in the Highlands of the country; we were uncomfortable a lot of the time, and only one in our group could communicate with any of the people we met. Yet, the whole experience was so incredible, in part because of those difficulties. The people were living such different lives from what we’re used to, and the landscape was amazing. I truly felt “foreign” there—in some places kids had never seen a white person and one toddler actually ran away from me screaming! It was fascinating to be in that position. Plus, of course, birds of paradise are incredible and I got to see seven or eight species in the wild, doing their natural mating behaviors. For me, that’s always one of the best parts of any trip—to actually get up close to animals I’ve never seen in person before.

AC: On your website, Cuttlefish Prose, you write in the “About” section that you have ‘loved animals since the womb’. Who was your first pet that you can remember?

JH: We had a golden retriever named Tasha when I was a baby—I remember little moments with her even though I was quite young. The next pet I recall was a little scared black cat named Misty, then a pair of tiger cats named April and Maggie (April lived to be nearly 20 years old). Those are my earliest pet memories, but we had many others in the years after that. (Not just cats!)

AC: Who is/are your greatest animal love(s)?

JH: Right now I’d have to say my dog Monk, a kai ken (a beautiful Japanese breed). He is such a love and a beauty, so soft and gentle, and I think he really likes me best in the family. (Our other dog, Waits, is definitely my husband’s dog.) I spend a lot of time with him lying at my feet or cuddling with me on the couch. When he’s not going wild and chewing up pillows, he’s the best.

AC: What is something you think people can do to help make our world better for both us and animals?

JH: I am always pleased to hear about people taking in animals that need homes, especially the ones that aren’t terribly pretty or charismatic or the ones that require special care. Kindness toward animals is good both for them and for us. In the bigger picture, it’s important to be aware of wildlife conservation issues and to do what you can to protect animals and their habitats around the world. That might mean actually giving some time or money to a good organization or simply paying attention to what you buy, looking for “sustainably harvested” wood, for example. Being an educated consumer really can make a difference.

AC: Every person needs someone to look up to. Who is your role model?

JH: I can think of a number of them, but my mom was certainly a main one—her love and gentleness toward animals really helped to shape how I feel about them and why I live such an animal-centric life. She also never stopped growing, never stopped looking for ways to improve herself and to give to others.

Animal Culture: Finally, describe your perfect day.

Jennifer Holland: It would be in early spring. Warm enough to have windows open and a breeze blowing through. I’d be at my little cabin in Virginia sitting on the porch with an iced coffee (or wine!) and a great book. Later we’d go for a hike with the dogs or a canoe trip with friends. We’d eat at a fantastic restaurant afterwards. Maybe we’d have a little bonfire outside before bed.

OR, I’d be traveling somewhere new with my husband or a friend, walking my legs off under sunny skies, seeing the sights, taking in the wildlife and landscapes. Better yet, I’d be swimming my legs off—scuba diving in a warm ocean filled with odd creatures that let me get remarkably close. After the dive, lying in the afternoon sun to dry off, relaxing to the rocking of the boat. Ahhh….

Showcasing her love for animals through her talent of writing, Jennifer S. Holland has changed the way we view our fellow creatures and their complex personalities and bonds. Animal Culture would like to thank Jennifer for her time and commitment to the animal community, and for inspiring all of us animal lovers and activists!

To learn more about Jennifer S. Holland, her work, and books, visit her website at Cuttlefish Prose.

*Note: This installment of “Animal Talks” is © Kalie Lyn, 2014 and © Jennifer S. Holland, 2014*